Why do Modern Girls Attain Puberty Earlier?

of growth. Modern fast food contains more fat tissues which actually produces more estrogen. The average weight of girls is higher today than in the past. Fat girls have high levels of the protein called leptin. This chemical can stimulate the release of the three main hormones responsible for puberty, through their activity in hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

5) Emotional reasons

Modern generation is emotionally more depressed. Busy lifestyle in the families and influence of mass media may be the causes that make girls undergo serious emotional depression or disturbances that can get periods at an early age.

6) Social reasons

Exposure to mass media is more in the modern era than any other time. Exposure to sex through the mass media matures a girl mentally earlier than the previous times, resulting into early physical puberty. Modern mass media arouse sexual desires in the growing youngsters. Sexually active mind naturally causes the girl to attain maturity earlier.


Paulose is a freelance writer writing in many sites. He writes on health, education, personality development, religion, etc.

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