HostGator Hosting

Archives for hoje

Ontem teve @musicaboaovivo e quem viu, viu. Quem não viu, reprisa hoje 16h no @multishow. Foi @analuisaaf quem tirou essa foto.

Want to get the absolute best rates and best quality when you record your album? Check us out! We provide THE best quality recording at the best rates for Nashville AND Los Angeles. You won't find better. Click here.

Hoje foi dia de gravar matéria pro Video Show com meu amor @gio_ewbank ? Fiquem ligados galera!!

Want to get the absolute best rates and best quality when you record your album? Check us out! We provide THE best quality recording at the best rates for Nashville AND Los Angeles. You won't find better. Click here.

Hoje fiz altos nadas, me desculpem ? (mas falei algumas coisas no meu snap: gustavorochaa). Nessa foto cabe o Brasil inteiro na minha testa, mas tudo bem, relevem. TESTAndo ?

Want to get the absolute best rates and best quality when you record your album? Check us out! We provide THE best quality recording at the best rates for Nashville AND Los Angeles. You won't find better. Click here.

Visão do paraíso os lanches Pré treino que a @chef_lorenaabreu fez pra gente hoje aqui em casa , Mousse de Abacate, cacau 70% e Mel , e Iogurte de Tofu, leite de côco e linhaça , delicia total !!! Tô amando essa novidade ndetox_inbox e @andreahenrique !! Minha irmã @belagil vai ficar orgulhosa e vamos rumo aos

Want to get the absolute best rates and best quality when you record your album? Check us out! We provide THE best quality recording at the best rates for Nashville AND Los Angeles. You won't find better. Click here.

Fotos de hoje, @sereiabrasil

Um pedacinho da turma que passou na @topshop_br hoje! Amei conhecer ❤️❤️❤️

Want to get the absolute best rates and best quality when you record your album? Check us out! We provide THE best quality recording at the best rates for Nashville AND Los Angeles. You won't find better. Click here.