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GTA 5 Online – Porn Star Plays GTA 5 (FUNNY SOUNDBOARD PRANK)

Blue Iris, a 58 year old porn star plays GTA LIKE and COMMENT if you want more GTA soundboard pranks More soundboard pranks Free month ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Sonic Producer: The Ultimate Online Music Production Studio

Sonic Producer: The Ultimate Online Music Production Studio

You may not have ever heard of me, but I've been making my own beats for over five years now. I started when I was younger by recording sounds into Windows Sound Recorder and using the basic mixing features available to mix VERY crude acapella beats. I mean very crude :). Anyway, I've evolved slightly since then, having mastered all the major music production studio programs like FL studio, Reason, and Cubase.

For somebody who has been making beats for years these programs are great: they allow unlimited customization. However, this customization comes at a cost.. I've realized that it's nearly impossible for people to learn how to make beats with these kinds of music production studios. They require extensive technical audio knowledge, which makes for an extremely steep learning curve.


My business depended on teaching people how to make their own beats, and I was having trouble doing that with the available software. Fortunately, some really smart guys changed all of that not too long ago. With the advent of social media and community-based websites, they developed one of the best music production communities around. Unlike most sites, which would become popular for about a month and then disappear off the face of the earth, they planned ahead, and they planned to offer much more value than these "other" sites. Since the day they launched, the Sonic Producer website has been an astonishing success.


What is Sonic Producer? It's the internet's only fully functional online music production studio and it's here to stay. To separate themselves from the crowd, they cut out all the features that were too complicated for the average person to learn, leaving them with a highly efficient music production system for beginners and advanced users alike. Their goal was to actively support the development of music production skills: by getting a membership to their site, they were going to thank you by bringing your skills up a NUMBER of notches. They began offering video tutorials, and that's when the site exploded.

The tutorials began with instructions and tips on how to use their included sequencer, but exploded in unexpected growth with ALL kinds of videos showing you anything you ever wanted to know about making music.

You see, most music production studios run into the hundreds or thousands of dollars. The fact that they began offering their COMPLETE membership for only $ 29 was a revolution in the industry. The beat production software itself is worth at least $ 200, but they include the video tutorials, excellent customer service, and a whole community of expert beat makers at your finger tips. They also originally had the price at $ 97 and slashed it down to just $ 29. Now can you see what I mean about offering value? If you want to start making your own beats, and want a vast wealth of knowledge and support right at your finger tips, I'd highly suggest

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Online Mastering from

Online Mastering from

With the 21st century well underway the music industry has enjoyed an abundance of modern enhancements. From auto tuning to online downloading the world of sound has well and truly found its place in the digital age. However, despite its advancements, the industry has also suffered some major drawbacks with the growth of online pirates. Illegally uploaded tracks have caused sharp drops in the sales of singles and albums alike. Combine this factor with the recession, and you have an industry that has never been so competitive. If you release or distribute music you may be having a hard time keeping yourself in profit - however, there may be a modern technique that can offer you a pivotal selling solution.

Audio mastering is an incredibly advanced process that can drastically increase the quality of your tracks and thus their selling potential. The majority of mastering companies boast several musical engineers. These experts will attentively review your music, using the most-up-to date technology to make vital tonal adjustments. The process is regarded by many as essential for any distributor of music. After a track has been mastered it sounds are more defined and the vocals are more clear - essentially increasing the realism of your music. The benefits of audio mastering are endless but its key ones have been listed below:

Versatility: Your main aim is to ensure as many people can listen to your music as possible. Audio mastering helps to maximise this by modifying your music to suit the needs of a vast array of playback options. From radio broadcasts to club sound systems, audio mastering can increase the universality of your material. Audio mastering can and will improve the translation of your music to nearly all playback systems.

A perfected finish: Audio mastering offers your music the chance to reach perfection. An expert engineer will repetitively playback your music listening out for edits, pops and even mic faults. Then, through the use of cutting edge equipment, they will make subtle and specific edits to your track to ensure it flows as smoothly as possible. Audio mastering can and will bring professionalism back into your music.

A tailored solution: Most mastering companies will be more than happy to listen to your ideas and necessities. If you want your track to maintain its quality at a louder volume they will do it. If you want to enhance the sound of a beat or certain instrument they will do it. This means you only pay for what you need and helps to make sure your music sounds just like you want it too. Audio mastering can and will suit the needs of your material.

Although audio mastering can never guarantee an increase in sales it sure does increase your chances. When searching for a company it is in your best interest to request a sample track. This way you can check the company's professionalism and ensure that your music receives the best audio treatment

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Amazing The Dawn midi is available in stores & online now!! Team it with our Unfaithful crop just restocked

Want to get the absolute best rates and best quality when you record your album? Check us out! We provide THE best quality recording at the best rates for Nashville AND Los Angeles. You won't find better. Click here.

Vintage Treasures Abound Online

Vintage Treasures Abound Online

Finding the perfect vintage western shirts to go with your favorite jeans for the season can sometimes take a while. But the season won't wait for you! That's why it's important to cultivate your eye, hit the streets, and take to the internet to peruse available collections all throughout the evolution of your style -- which means forever so, with consistency, just do it as you go.

Your consistency will ensure that when it comes to tracking down a gift from among a two-tiered rack of vintage motorcycle jackets -- for that nice chap driving you to school in a moto -- you'll know which one to choose, size and all. It will also ensure your having a real and measureable competitive advantage when push comes to shove at the clothes bins. Quantification of your growing success will be possible in vintage leather, vinyl, and pleather belts that bespeak your ever-increasing know-how. So, too, will the eclecticism of your chiffon, satin, velveteen-trimmed, and feather and brocade blouses.

And, as the style-competent fellas out there will tell you, the outward stuffiness of a father's closet can sometimes belie the finer and more sensitive choices the old man once made when it came to fashion. Suit jackets, promising-with-alteration trousers, and handsome white button-downs of striking merit can all be found there. The biggest "biggie," so to speak, is the size difference -- not everyone grows up to be like Pops (most luckily). The point is, you don't need to get all your mens vintage pants from your dad's room. There are great websites you can go to that have all the styles and sizes organized for you.

This makes it much easier to find a small -- or extra large -- M65 field jacket. And who knows, you might even find one demonstrating the results of some brave soul's tie-dye experimentation with army gear. Totally one-of-a-kind!

In a completely different arena, if you're working on a school project and need vintage pieces, quickly and inexpensively, to dress your actors for a semester's end short, then it's best to start browsing and selecting as you write down the script. You'll need time for shipping and fittings. Whatever your fashion needs, today, vintage stores cater to better informed consumers and the increasing excellence of their selections shows as much. Vintage is no longer just hand-me-downs.

Sam Walters is a writer living in Los Angeles. Her writing appears in print and online.

Richard A. Manfredi has written about We offer quality vintage clothing online for men and women, including vintage disco clothing, mod clothing, and retro tee shirts.

Want to get the absolute best rates and best quality when you record your album? Check us out! We provide THE best quality recording at the best rates for Nashville AND Los Angeles. You won't find better. Click here.

Slaughterhouse “Microphone” Director’s Cut / Album In Stores & Online Now

Slaughterhouse "Microphone" Director's Cut / Album In Stores & Online Now.

Want to get the absolute best rates and best quality when you record your album? Check us out! We provide THE best quality recording at the best rates for Nashville AND Los Angeles. You won't find better. Click here.